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Recording w/ Notion, Miroslav Philharmonik and Garageband

Recording w/ Notion, Miroslav Philharmonik and Garageband

Postby blwalker » Thu Apr 14, 2011 1:25 pm


I am brand new to Miroslav Philharmonik, and Notion SLE.
I am an amateur comfortable recording with Garageband
on a Mac Mini.

I have not yet explored Miroslav or Notion, but I am wondering
if it is possible to record using these two alone, bypassing

Or, will I be using Miroslav as virtual instruments in Garageband
If I am in Garageband, can I still use Notion and Miroslav with their
own forms of input?

Not being a great keyboard player, it has always been slow going
playing single notes with my right hand... then going back to
fix the timing or note duration etc.

With Miroslav and Notion, I see that I can put in set
note values, whole, half, eighth whatever and the notes
will be absolutely correct.

So if I enter them correctly via Notion, is there a way to
save this as a recording?

Sorry for such a newbie question, but if there is a way
to do this it would make composition or copying
sheet music SOOO much easier.

The goal, in my case, is to copy music for
4 part choral music to Notion and then produce
a recording for practice purposes...

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

Bill Walker
Stockton, CA
Posts: 6
Joined: Thu Apr 14, 2011 1:10 pm

Re: Recording w/ Notion, Miroslav Philharmonik and Garageban

Postby fabiolcati » Fri Apr 15, 2011 9:35 am

The answer is "Definitely yes".
Almost mostly.
1. You can work with Notion and Miroslav "bypassing" GarageBand, since Notion is a standalone program. Then, Miroslav acts as nothing else than a "toolbox" you'll choose from for the sounds you need in the environment you are working in at the moment, Notion or GB.
2. Beware that you can't have Notion drive GB, because the latter does not support ReWire.
3. You can actually "record" your music to a Notion stave by playing it live on the Midi keyboard, or...
4. ... entering notes step-by-step selecting durations from the mac keyboard and pitch from the Midi keyboard, or...
5. ... by typing and clicking around with the mouse. Test and choose the habit you feel better in.
6. Listen to what you've done while in progress toggling the transport buttons on the control bar. They work like the ones you find on a tape recorder (a tape recorder?! what is it?!). You can finally export your composition as an audio file to listen from a media player or to share it on the internet
7. Dig into the User Guide that comes with your copy of Notion. You will find all the answers you need to start building your new career as a Midi-aided-Choir Master.
8. Feel free to submit your questions here at the forum. You'll find both professionals and amateurs that will be pleased to help you, even for the basics. But first of all...
9. Read the Manual.
Hope to hear soon some of your work.
Enjoy your brand new Notion SLE.
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Re: Recording w/ Notion, Miroslav Philharmonik and Garageban

Postby blwalker » Mon Apr 18, 2011 4:40 pm

Thanks for the very thoughtful reply.
I DID go back and read the manual :-)
and figured out how to enter notes one at
a time or play it in manually.

To be honest, the choral expert in my house
is my wife. She is a wonderful singer, but
gets some very complex music to learn and
discovered that she could use Garageband to
type in the other three voice lines: alto, baritone
and bass, make a recording and then sing her
part over it...

Now with Notion, it will be a bit easier and more

I am more of a pop music fan and all these many
years later am finally learning the real guitar
parts to the Beatles. With amplifier modeling
such as Amplitube it is now possible to finally
sound like the classic Vox and Fender amps...

It will be fun using Miroslav, though, to put in
classical instruments etc.

I have never had lessons, but am learning
more about music and music theory the more
I plug away at this...

Again, thanks for your help.

--B. Walker
Stockton, CA
Posts: 6
Joined: Thu Apr 14, 2011 1:10 pm

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