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a few minor issues...anyone else seeing these?

A Forum to Discuss NOTION

a few minor issues...anyone else seeing these?

Postby kelldammit » Sun Jun 20, 2010 2:00 pm

before i submit a couple of proper bug reports, i just wanted to see if anyone else has seen these issues:
two with Lyrics:
1. Each time i hit the tab key to move to the next syllable (it just seems like the most intuitive way to do this), the lyrics move farther and farther down from the staff. It happens in either the dynamic part, or in full-score view. Changing views (i.e. switching from full view to Dynamic Parts or vice versa) then puts them back where they belong. Any further editing will move them downward again. Changing views fixes this every time, though.

2. When in Dynamic Parts view of the melody line, double-clicking the syllable itself never gives you the text box to edit it (i.e. to add punctuation, fix a typo, or whatnot). You MUST use L or the tooltray to replace the syllable altogether. Clicking the syllable itself works fine in the full view.

Staff View:
I've already submitted this one actually, but would just like confirmation. On imported midi files, ALL staves are bracketed. You can remove the entire bracket, but you cannot remove single or multiple staves from the bracket. If you remove the entire bracket, then try to bracket just the string section, ALL staves again become bracketed. This behavior seems to be common to every midi file i've imported. New projects (no imported midi) work fine, however.

I know this probably isn't directly your issue, but i activated notion3 when i installed the full version. This morning, it told me i only had one day left on the demo, and that i had never i activated again today. I just wanted to see if anyone else had experienced this. IMO, once you've activated on a machine, and don't change should NEVER have to do it again.

Otherwise, i'm lovin' life! :)


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Joined: Mon Jun 07, 2010 5:25 pm

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