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setting up custom rules for trills in Notion 4

setting up custom rules for trills in Notion 4

Postby afg » Fri Sep 27, 2013 9:23 pm


I am in the midst of setting up custom rules for EW Hollywood Strings and have been successful in setting up some of the key techniques and articulations such as pizz., slurs, glides and staccato. I am now trying to define the rule for trills (whote tone and half) and, based on what on what I have seen in the custom rules for other libraries, I know there is a technique called 'trhf' and 'trwh'. However, I just can't seem to find these techniques in the score editor in Notion 4. I have been using the express command i.e typing ' and then the name but the technique does not show up. Can somebody help me find this in the score editor so that the rules can link to this technique or another way to set up this rule?

I would really appreciate your help on this.

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Re: setting up custom rules for trills in Notion 4

Postby dcd111 » Tue Oct 01, 2013 12:29 pm

You have to use the various "tr" trill markings from the sixth palette, or by pressing "~" one or more times. I don't think there's an express entry equivalent that will trigger these techniques.

"trwh" is triggered by tr, tr [sharp], and tr [natural].

"trhf" is only triggered by tr [flat].

Also note that extending the trill marking over several notes does not work; these custom rules techniques are only triggered for the notes over which "tr" appears, not notes under the extended wavy line. So if you want to extend the trill over multiple notes with one marking, you'd have to create a custom technique and define it in ExpressionList.tpk, or use Custom Sounds markings ("custom sounds 01" through "custom sounds 10").
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Re: setting up custom rules for trills in Notion 4

Postby afg » Mon Oct 07, 2013 9:46 am

Thanks, dcd111, for your detailed response. Appreicate it. I set the technique to 'trwh' in the rules file and set 'tr' from the palette under the concerned notes. However, it is not working. I will go to the ExpressionList.tpk list and check how it is defined.
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Re: setting up custom rules for trills in Notion 4

Postby dcd111 » Mon Oct 07, 2013 10:18 am

That's strange, I have definitely been able to get them to trigger in custom rules using those technique names. I placed the "tr" marking over the note instead of under, but that shouldn't make any difference.

I can't imagine this making a difference, but did you try using the tilda keyboard shortcut to bring up "tr" instead of clicking on the trill marking in the bottom palette? They should be identical, but you never know.

Also, you'll find that trwh and trhf aren't actually defined in ExpressionList because Notion only defined the Express Entry-type techniques there (the ones that can be applied using the apostrophe method). The trill technique definitions are created behind the scenes as far as I can tell. I mentioned ExpressionList because you could create a custom technique, say, "Trill", that switches to a trill technique over several notes until going back to "normale" or a custom trill-cancelling technique. But unfortunately there doesn't seem to be t anything we can do to the current built-in trill marking to make it work better, or even see how it is defined.

This may be obvious, but one thing I find useful when "debugging" custom rules is to keep the rule as it was, but temporarily replace the problematic technique name with one that obviously works and you've been successful with before. For me, I use "mute", then see if a "with mute" marking in the score triggers the rule. If it triggers, you know it's probably a technique-specific problem. If it doesn't trigger, you know something else in the rules could be causing the problem, like a typo or syntax mistake, or possibly the action you've defined is being superseded by another triggered rule.
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Re: setting up custom rules for trills in Notion 4

Postby Admin » Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:23 pm

Dear afg,

Let's see your rules document. I have no trouble with initiating trills from any of my rules as a keyswitch. I also have no problem with initiating a manual trill.

<trill pitches="1" time="0.1" delay=" />

Express entry is not the way to enter trills. In fact, I cannot even access it from there at all. The proper way to add trills is 'Shift + ~". This command toggles through the 4 different trill markings. They are the same as the trill markings in the palette. Trill, Trill #, Trill b, Trill nat.

Trills are effected by the key signature. In the key of C, if you want to trill from C to D, you can always use the Trill function. To go from E to F, you can use the same Trill function because the half step is triggered within the key. If you want a half step that is outside of the key, for instance, D to Eb, you will need to toggle over to Trill b (flat). If you want a whole step trill from E to F#, you must write Trill # (sharp).

Nevertheless, the trills in the rules are still triggered by the rules.

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