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Slurs in two layers

Slurs in two layers

Postby Wawoodman » Wed May 15, 2013 11:17 am

Newest update. When I need slurs in both layer one and layer two, the program only allows one or the other. If I put a slur in the layer one notes, switch to layer two and put a slur there, the layer one slur vanishes.

Programming, or user error?

Also, I'm having a heck of a time with the selection field. When I try to slide the selection area with the dots, most of the time, I just chase the screen around on the iPad. The problem seems worse with the upper left dot. Screen magnification does not seem to be involved. I have found that it works a little better (sometimes) when I touch the dot, and slide my finger vertically into the field, before moving horizontally to adjust the selection. Also, a finger works better than the stylus, for this. I am using a Kensington stylus, with a 1/4 inch rubber tip.
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Re: Slurs in two layers

Postby thorrild » Thu May 16, 2013 9:09 am

Hi Wawoodman,

I can confirm both your issues. First the slurs:
It takes a little trial and error— well, sometimes a lot of it. But after you have added the slur above,if you can somehow tap slightly below the staff (but still so that the green cursor stays in this staff) before you tap Select, maybe it will work better. It does for me, I think.

As for the blue selection dots, I am having the same trouble, especially with the lefthand dot. Also the same experience that sometimes a vertical starting motion will coax it into horizontal movement afterwards. The Selection field is much better now than it initially was, and I imagine that Notion will find ways to improve it further and make it more responsive.

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Re: Slurs in two layers

Postby Wawoodman » Thu May 16, 2013 11:06 am

Thanks for that confirmation! It's good to know that it's not just me.

I'll try that trick for the slurs, and hope that they improve it. I like iWriteMusic's method better, for slurs. Tap the slur tool, tap the first note, tap the last note. Done. (Although I don't like that I have to tap another screen, to confirm or change the position.)

I'm going to be doing a lot of that comparison/complaining. I wish there was a way to combine the best features of both!
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Re: Slurs in two layers

Postby thorrild » Thu May 16, 2013 1:05 pm


As for your planned "comparison/complaining", just bear in mind that complaining that certain features in a piece of software are not duplicates of those features in a competitor's software, is probably a futile exercise.

I imagine that things like user interface are protected intellectual property that can't just be duplicated by other companies. If you like the other application's methods better, then by all means, stick with that program. And if you decide to work with Notion, then take some time to get used to its proprietary approach and keep an open mind.

Of course this doesn't mean that you shouldn't call Notion to task on features that either don't work or are difficult to use! Constructive criticism seems more useful to me than the "why aren't you like your competitor?" approach.

With only the best intentions,
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Re: Slurs in two layers

Postby Wawoodman » Thu May 16, 2013 7:47 pm


That's how I mean my comparisons. Notion is way ahead in some ways: layers and XML are the two biggies, right now.

But I like iWM for the pallet layout, slurs, and the ability to beam eighth notes the way you want them. But Notion does automatic beaming, which is also good. Call that a draw.

And obviously, we all have different needs, depending on our product and work flow.

Notion's addition of stylus input was what brought me back, when added to the other features I need. So I don't mean to badmouth one, at the expense of the other. I would like to see an app do everything I want. And if I don't speak up, neither developer will see what might be a good feature for all of their users. I'm using them both for now, so I think I'm coming up with a fair idea of what works best for me.
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Re: Slurs in two layers

Postby Sisboombah » Thu Sep 05, 2013 5:10 pm

I'm a new user, and must say I'm very impressed with Notion coming from iWriteMusic. Thanks for what seem to be constant improvements, and keep 'Em coming!

However, I am also having difficulty (as in, I can't) making slurs in two layers for split parts on one staff. This is particularly important for choral music with divisi in the SATB voices. More than one note on a syllable of a word should be slurred, as far as convention goes. I have tried all I know to get two slurs; my choice is either the top or switching it to "show below" under the attachment sub-sub menu (NB: having that "more" menu under the selection tool more readily accessible would be a godsend to choral composers). I did try your "slightly below the staff" idea as well as switching the layer selection before the slur menu. No dice. Only one soprano gets to slur (insert joke about slurring sopranos here).

Also, is it/can it be possible to slur a phrase into a final rest rather than a final note? I've tried this, and it seems not to compute. Though rare, it indicates that the vocal line should maintain intensity into the rest.

Many thanks!

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