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Miroslav philharmonik different articulations

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Miroslav philharmonik different articulations

Postby andresosodel » Thu May 09, 2013 1:02 am

Hi everybody! I'm a new forum user here and man am I loving just surfing around and exploring all the cool threads here! Definitely another reason why Notion is the best!

Anyway, I also acquired Miroslav Philharmonik a few days ago and I've been messing around with it quite a bit but there is still something that really confuses me:

How do I get Notion to play the specific articulations for the channels chosen on Miroslav (such as Tremolo on strings) only when they are marked on the page? If I simply have, for instance, 23 violins in the Miroslav Mixer, and I mark a Tremolo in Notion on the page, the Tremolo doesn't play. However, when I have both 23 violins and 23 violins Trem set to the same channel on Miroslav, the tremolo plays regardless of whether or not it is marked on the score. I thought that the markings on the page were supposed to trigger the different presets loaded in the same Channel in Miroslav.

Help anyone?

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Re: Miroslav philharmonik different articulations

Postby dranck » Thu May 09, 2013 8:08 pm

Hi andresosodel,

If you use the templates in Notion to create your score, Miroslav will respond to most articulations you place on each staff. The key is to use the included templates. I've been using the templates and custom rules uploaded by elerouxx:

IK Multimedia has a set of 4 videos that I think are useful. They use Notion SLE but the principles are the same. Here is the first of the 4:

Video 2 talks about score setup.

What I do is:
    1. In score setup, add staves for each Miroslav instance I want to use by selecting a template (for example Strings I, Brass II or Trumpet, etc.)
    2. Add a basic staff for each instrument or section in my score.
    3. Exit score setup. Set each basic staff to the correct channel and instrument instance (see video 2 above). To do this, select a basic staff by clicking at the beginning of the staff and hit shift-i. In the dialog, select Show all instruments and select the instrument you want to use. Set the channel to the one you want. For example, when you are using the Strings I template, 1st violins are channel 1 and 2nd violins are channel 9.
    4. Back in score setup, hide all the instrument staves from step 1. I do not write notes directly into the instrument staff. I use the associated basic staff.

Now when you mark a note in your Violin section basic staff as tremolo, Miroslav will play the note as tremolo. The Miroslav templates store the different articulations on different channels. Notion will automatically set the proper channel for each articulation. Easy!

The one caveat: you must create your score from the Miroslav templates as shown in the video. If you manually add an instance of the VST and manually set up the instruments, the articulations won't play.

It sounds more complicated than it is. Watch the videos. I think they will help.

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Re: Miroslav philharmonik different articulations

Postby wcreed51 » Thu May 09, 2013 8:33 pm

I think what you mean to say is "Instrument preset", not template. A template would be something like a blank score setup with all the instruments, like string quartet, full orchestra, etc.

I don't have Miroslav, but certainly none of the other libraries need basic staves used in place of the actual instrument.
Bill Reed
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Re: Miroslav philharmonik different articulations

Postby andresosodel » Fri May 10, 2013 10:48 am

Fantastic! Thank you so much guys! :D

*Update: After carefully watching the video and following all of the instructions, still no luck with the tremolo and other articulations working when marked on the score :cry:

Anyone have any other suggestions? Any help would be tremendously appreciated!

P.S. Everything works fine when I open Miroslav in the Standalone version, it is just in the integration with Notion that it doesn't seem to be working properly.
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Re: Miroslav philharmonik different articulations

Postby dranck » Fri May 10, 2013 8:41 pm

andresosodel -

Hmmmm. The process works for me every time. How are you marking the tremolo? The unmeasured tremolo (the one with 3 slashes) works fine for me. What instrument template are you using? What other articulations have you tried? Not all articulations are mapped in the rules file. For me at least the following work for strings: most accents,mute, staccato, pizz., tremolo.

If you use the Strings I VSTi template, do you see these channels and patches on the VSTi:
    Channel 1 : 23 Violins 1 LP
    Channel 2 : 23 Vlns Stac AMV
    Channel 3 : 11 Violins Mute
    Channel 4 : 23 Violins Tremolo AMV
    Channel 5 : 23 Violins Pizz 1 EXPD

I uploaded a small file using Strings I that plays several different articulations. I hope it will be of some help to you!

Hi wcreed,

The term is probably more correctly "VSTi template" as in this video from Notion: Also see section 9.10 of the user manual. Notion stores the VST settings in a .notion file (the template in my way of thinking).

Sample articulations
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Re: Miroslav philharmonik different articulations

Postby andresosodel » Sat May 11, 2013 12:01 am

Hi Dave! Your attention and kindness in helping is highly appreciated! Unfortunately still no luck, and I have done everything identical to the videos you sent me to :( I have re-uploaded the file you sent me and included some pictures as well as an audio file so that you can see how everything looks/sounds from my end when I play your file.

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Re: Miroslav philharmonik different articulations

Postby dranck » Sat May 11, 2013 8:08 am

andresosodel -

Of course the file you sent back plays perfect for me! Did you download and install the presets and rules made by elerouxx ( Maybe the changes he made make it so that my files now require his rules to be used? I don't think that is the case, but it's possible I guess.

If you install his rules, make a backup of your PLK folder first and read his thread for more info. My PLK folder is here: [url]C:\Program Files (x86)\Notion 4\Support\PluginData\PLK[/url]. Other than that, I am afraid I'm out of ideas :cry:

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Re: Miroslav philharmonik different articulations

Postby andresosodel » Sat May 11, 2013 11:34 am

I'll give it a try and if not I guess I'll just try uninstalling/re-installing Miroslav/Notion 3. Thanks anyway!
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Re: Miroslav philharmonik different articulations

Postby wcreed51 » Sat May 11, 2013 4:09 pm

You hadn't mentioned that you were using Notion 3, which could be the problem with using the custom rule set described above, and meant for Notion 4.
Bill Reed
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Re: Miroslav philharmonik different articulations

Postby wcreed51 » Sat May 11, 2013 4:10 pm

From section 9.10 of the manual:

"Notion significantly simplifies VSTi in a big way. To save you significant
time and trouble, we provide a selection of VST Instrument presets for
the industry’s most popular sound libraries."
Bill Reed
Notion 4, Sibelius 7.5, Finale 2011/14, Overture 4, Cubase 7.5
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