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hairpins and dynamics move themselves and become unattached

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hairpins and dynamics move themselves and become unattached

Postby dgriffee » Mon Mar 04, 2013 10:52 am

Anybody else have this problem??

I occasionaly get a weird error that seems to occur when hairpins and/or dynamic markings move around a little (I don't move them, they just move themselves) and the start or end of the hairpin gets kind of "lost". Sometimes (not always), later it crashes the program (usually when I drag a box around that part to audition a small section).

Here's the story: If I have a section of music all done and it has some hairpins and/or dynamic markings, and then I decide to add or delete a note anywhere in the measure (making sure I then correct the count for the whole measure by adding rests or changing other notes), one end of the hairpin moves to some weird offset from where it was and becomes unattached. Sometimes it moves across the measure boundary, sometimes it just moves to an inbetween spot not on any note. I had it attached to a note, I change some OTHER note, and the dynamic moves off the note it was on even though that note was not changed.

Subsequently as I am doing other stuff nearby, when I drag a selection box around the part that the hairpin moved itself (sometimes but not always) BOOM the program crashes. I look at the error log and see something about a hairpin without any beginning point to go along with its endpoint.

I usually try to avoid this by always deleting and recreating hairpins when I notice they have moved themselves, but sometimes I dont notice when it is a very small offset to the erroneous moving hairpin start point. I get this in both Notion3 and Notion4.

Anybody else have same difficulty? Any clues or workarounds?
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Re: hairpins and dynamics move themselves and become unattac

Postby Admin » Mon Mar 04, 2013 11:02 am

Hairpins are attached to the notes in the measure, or they are attached to the bar line. This is done so that they will perform within the framework of time in the measure. When you delete a note or rest in a measure, the hairpins are no longer going to be attached and you are going to have to reset them. This is working as designed. They are not moving on their own, you have moved them by moving the time in the bar. If you set dynamics, and then rearrange the notes by deleting notes, you will lose the integrity of your dynamics. If you are simply wanting to change the note names, select the note and use the up and down arrows, or Shift + Up/Down arrow to move by half-step.

If you need to change durations or rhythm, you are going to have to reset the hairpins manually because Notion has no way to know where you want them to fall.

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Re: hairpins and dynamics move themselves and become unattac

Postby dgriffee » Mon Mar 04, 2013 11:19 am

ok... that makes sense.

If hairpins do get moved inadvertently and I don't catch it and recreate them, can that cause the error:
"hairpin #### end without matching begin found..." that I see in the errors log when the program crashes?

...else what might cause that error, something that I could avoid doing?
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Re: hairpins and dynamics move themselves and become unattac

Postby Admin » Mon Mar 04, 2013 11:24 am

I cannot recreate the problem. Do you have a file you could send to

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