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Can Notion replace Sibelius?

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Can Notion replace Sibelius?

Postby Szurcio1 » Mon Nov 23, 2009 3:31 pm

Notion seems to be primarily a composition tool. How well can it (or will it be ever able to) replace more notation-focused programs? (e.g. using other music fonts, including some specialized signs - for example, early music/mensural notation signs, extracting parts, producing printing press-ready scores). Or will those of us who need both a composition tool and a flexible professional notation tool have to keep 2 programs (e.g. Notion and Finale)?
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Re: Can Notion replace Sibelius?

Postby Novatlan » Mon Nov 23, 2009 3:59 pm

I think Notion will eventually evolve (I fear it to be honest), but right at the moment it is a great composing tool.
When a score is finished, it wanders off to Sibelius/Finale for printout.

I hope the developers do not try to replace Sibelius/Finale. We don't need yet another notation software. What we really need (at least I do) is a great composing tool! Notion delivers many, many, many great features for this, but there are lots of things left to do.

By the way: Extracting parts is possible, and I think some people have successfully used Notion printouts for rehearsals.
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Re: Can Notion replace Sibelius?

Postby ericsandmeyer » Mon Nov 23, 2009 4:21 pm

Novatlan wrote:By the way: Extracting parts is possible, and I think some people have successfully used Notion printouts for rehearsals.

Why could one not print out Notion parts and scores for performance? In other words what gaps are there from a notation perspective?
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Re: Can Notion replace Sibelius?

Postby Novatlan » Mon Nov 23, 2009 4:34 pm

That's exactly what I said.
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Re: Can Notion replace Sibelius?

Postby strabes » Tue Nov 24, 2009 6:39 am

so what's the layman's explanation of what Notion does compared to notation programs and compared to DAW/sequencers? I thought Notion was designed to bridge these 2. no? why would I buy Notion if I needed a DAW and a notation package anyway?
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Re: Can Notion replace Sibelius?

Postby Novatlan » Tue Nov 24, 2009 8:30 am

You would buy it if you want to compose music directly in Notation.
Notion is able to aid in composing far better than any dedicated notation software, i.e. through allowing to access VST plugins via SequencerStaff, which is very complicated or impossible in other applications.
Notion can be better than a sequencer when you want to write in notation, the "traditional" way.
Do not care for critics. Noone ever raised a statue to a critic (Jean Sibelius)
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Re: Can Notion replace Sibelius?

Postby Szurcio1 » Tue Nov 24, 2009 5:26 pm

I think Overture also handles it very well (full VST integration, editing MIDI directly on the score) although its most recent update was almost a year ago so I don't know if there is going to be any support for it in the future... ... ayback.htm
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Re: Can Notion replace Sibelius?

Postby fandango » Tue Nov 24, 2009 6:02 pm

Szurcio1: Yeah, I'm an Overture 'refugee' as well, and there are quite a few things that it does better (as you say, editing MIDI on the score, custom dynamics that can be assigned to CC/Velocity/Program Changes on the fly, some issues with cut&paste that I hope to prepare a video for soon for the devs here), but NOTION is catching up so fast that I'm almost ready to jump ship.

If Notion can hammer the following:
- A more open-ended way for users to customise dynamics behaviour via MIDI for their own libraries/players. (i.e., those of us who stubbornly host all their sample libraries in Kontakt 4 and need to adjust hairpins for different CC/velocity depending on what they have loaded into Kontakt)
- Intelligent pasting/duplicating (i.e., duplicating 5 semiquavers in 4/4 puts 3 in measure 1 and 2 in measure 2)
- Merge pasting (notes are merged, rather than overwriting)
- Sharp and Flat accidentals on a note cursor while it's floating.
- Draw MIDI CC/Vel data on the staff view.

then the deal is sealed. :]
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Re: Can Notion replace Sibelius?

Postby snorlax » Fri Nov 27, 2009 2:06 am

Hi, everyone...

Just getting into Notion. Since I am also known in Overture-Land, I'll come to this thread to ask a couple of questions:

1. One thing I like about Overture is the randomize (humanize) function--I don't see a way to do that in Notion. Am I missing some function that can randomize note-ons, note-offs, velocities, controller values, etc.? If not currently available, is it in the pipeline?

2. Related to #1 above, I am also a heavy user of Garritan Libraries, especially for concert band. With Garritan Libraries and Overture it is easy to "build sections" as concert bands do--two or three on a part. By doing some copying/pasting of notes, using some slight detuning in Kontakt or ARIA, applying a bit of VAR 1 and VAR 2, and finally applying the randomize function in Overture, I can get a pretty good section sound. Using the Notion instruments alone, I can't seem to do. Again, am I missing something?

Seems like a randomize function would be helpful--or is it there and I just missed it??

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Re: Can Notion replace Sibelius?

Postby dgriffee » Sat Nov 28, 2009 11:18 pm

A hearty "welcome to the party!" for all ye Overture-refugees!

Firstly know that these NotionMusic guys move FAST and I'd expect you should be quite pleased with their responsiveness. More to your points of wanting for favorite features, from what i can see (I am not a Notion insider, just another enduser out here) just from looking at their config data this software appears to be built in such a way as to be extreeeemely extensible from a programming standpoint. They have also promised to show us all how to take greater advantage of certain kinds of user config customizability in near future, and as that unfolds a bunch of us users are poised to pounce in and share our help with such goodies as well.

Post your wish items in the new features requests forum, and watch what happens...
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