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Real-time MIDI note entry quirks

Real-time MIDI note entry quirks

Postby dboy » Thu Mar 07, 2013 1:29 pm

I'm having a few problems using real-time note entry via MIDI on my iPad 1 and wondered whether anyone can help:

(1) Serious audio latency issue. In fact, I can't use the on-board piano sound at all and have taken to muting it and using the output of my attached MIDI keyboard while recording. There are no other apps running in the background. Is my iPad 1 simply under-powered for the task?

(2) Playback. This is currently reflecting my live performance (and all its inadequacies) rather than the generated notation (which is sound). How can I get Notion to play the piece 'straight' from the notation, i.e. disregarding my dodgy timing and note velocities?

Many thanks!
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Joined: Thu Mar 07, 2013 1:03 pm

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