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Miroslav Philharmonik Rules and Presets

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Re: Miroslav Philharmonik Rules and Presets

Postby bcarwell » Mon Nov 21, 2011 1:23 pm

I am on a PC (Thinkpad).
I will go back and re-read the instructions again and report back. I just replaced my existing entire PLK folder with the one in your download, e.g. I did not replace individual files ("instrument presets file" and "rules folders" per your previous post). Very sorry if I wasted your time by not being able to follow directions...

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Re: Miroslav Philharmonik Rules and Presets

Postby bcarwell » Mon Nov 21, 2011 1:58 pm

Emilio, I am running on a Thinkpad T41 and Win XP Pro. I checked and don't see anything wrong with my install of your improvements. Recall that the bass clarinet now appears after adding your improvement and plays for the first time for me (and everything else continues to play) so it must have installed correctly. I just renamed the old PLK as PLK_Original and left it in the \Support \PluginData directory and added your new PLK into the same PluginData directory. That is all I did. I noticed there is a \Rules directory in the \Support directory (which is empty). The PluginData directory (where your PLK and my original PLK reside) is also in the \Support directory FWIW. I am not running Notion 3 but rather Notion SLE for Miroslav.

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Re: Miroslav Philharmonik Rules and Presets

Postby elerouxx » Mon Nov 21, 2011 4:23 pm

Maybe there IS a difference in how presets are managed in Notion SLE. Perhaps somebody from Notion could help us.

When I open your score and open Staff Vst Interface (CTRL-I), the Miroslav interface comes with all its channels completely empty.

Lets do a little test: create a score with Miroslav Violins I and Miroslav Bass Clarinet. Then open the Staff VST Interface of both staves (you can click on the staff and hit CTRL-I).

The interface and channels should look like the image below. Do they?

miro_interface.jpg (251.14 KiB) Viewed 12349 times

If not, specially if you don't have the channels 4 and 5 correctly configured, the glissando won't work.
So let's see how your Miroslav Interface is configured and then we'll figure out how to work around this.
If you can, send me a screenshot of these interfaces, with the channel 4 selected so I can see the settings.
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Re: Miroslav Philharmonik Rules and Presets

Postby bcarwell » Mon Nov 21, 2011 5:46 pm

Emilio, yes my two interfaces look exactly like yours. I believe I have done everything to invoke gliss including overlapping note duration with sequencer overlay and attaching the gliss up or down to each last note of the gliss. I'll try to figure out how to do a screen capture. But... please understand I won't be offended if you just leave it here as a mystery caused by a newb. Seems like I'm the only person this is happening to. And I never expected this much tech support in the first place for such an expensive (0$) upgrade... :lol:
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Re: Miroslav Philharmonik Rules and Presets

Postby bcarwell » Mon Nov 21, 2011 6:20 pm

Emilio,here you go, the two screen shots of my Miro interfaces after I created a bass clarinet and violin score... Again, you're spending way too much of your valuable time on my (most probable) stupidity, so feel free to bail gracefully or otherwise any time the mood strikes you... I'll be happy to go back to my original setup and try a reinstall of your file if you think that will help...

Miroslav Violins.GIF
Miroslav Violins.GIF (113.19 KiB) Viewed 12348 times
Miroslav Bass Clarinet.GIF
Miroslav Bass Clarinet.GIF (112.86 KiB) Viewed 12348 times
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Re: Miroslav Philharmonik Rules and Presets

Postby elerouxx » Mon Nov 21, 2011 10:23 pm

bcarwell wrote:Emilio,here you go, the two screen shots of my Miro interfaces after I created a bass clarinet and violin score... Again, you're spending way too much of your valuable time on my (most probable) stupidity, so feel free to bail gracefully or otherwise any time the mood strikes you... I'll be happy to go back to my original setup and try a reinstall of your file if you think that will help...

Please stop saying such things. I'm glad to help. But sad of being unable to help more.

It's all there in your pictures, the channels seem to be set correctly. The only thing I can't see is if, when you select channels 4 and 5, the 'legato' button is ON (bottom right, just above the Volume knob). Legato must be ON in these channels for the glissando to work. And you should be able to see the GLISS knob changing (above the poly/mono/legato buttons) while the playback goes thru the different glissando speeds. If not, you can turn Legato on manually in these channels (4 and 5) and see if it works and if the GLISS knob moves. But remember, you must have the channel 4 selected/highlighted (for normal, non-tremolo glissando) so you can see any movement in the knob.
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Re: Miroslav Philharmonik Rules and Presets

Postby bcarwell » Tue Nov 22, 2011 12:05 am

Hi Emilio, Bob again.

Well..... Sorry to report per your suggestion I checked and indeed the Legato button on the Miro is lit for both violin and bass clarinet I try playback and have channel 4 or 5 highlighted. And no gliss sound and the gliss button remains stationary. I tried adding alternately the gliss or the portamento bars and same result. I hear individual discrete notes gliding up or down between the basic notes but not a smooth gliss.

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Re: Miroslav Philharmonik Rules and Presets

Postby elerouxx » Tue Nov 22, 2011 7:15 am

1) Try to manually set the GLISS knob in channel 4 and 5 to some 500ms and see if the glissandi works, as written following the instructions, at least at a fixed speed which should be clearly audible.

2) While selecting the channel 4/5, click the CTL button at the upper left corner of Miroslav, and immediately after click the GLISS knob. You should see a list of MIDI CTL - controls that are mapped to midi controls, and among the bottom items of the list, you should see "Portamento" listed twice, and one of these items should be assigned to Controller Number 20 (last number on the row).
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Re: Miroslav Philharmonik Rules and Presets

Postby bcarwell » Wed Nov 30, 2011 9:42 pm

Hi Emilio, sorry I've been away on vacation.
I followed your last instructions and can report the following: the last two lines do in fact show "portamento". The next-to-last line shows "Portamento" and a Min of 1 and Max of 10,000 and conrol # 20. The last line shows "Portamento" and a Min of 1 and Max of 10, 000 and for for control # shows N/A. With Channel 4 and 5 selected the playback just plays one note of the gliss and then the other note with no perceptible gliss inbetween.

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Re: Miroslav Philharmonik Rules and Presets

Postby catshsh » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:54 am

Bob, Emilio,
Sorry for relaunching the subject...
I thought that my miro worked well with Emilio's articulations file, yet I've eventually tried all articulations using miro, and yes, I do have the same problem on gliss. Either on Notion SLE for miro, or on Notion 3 with miro.
:( :( I am facing the same results as Bob's ones, with the same parameterization.
There seems to be a trick Bob and I did not install on our Miro...

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