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Scanning VST Plugins Crash

A Forum to Discuss PROGRESSION

Scanning VST Plugins Crash

Postby mhgreen » Tue Oct 27, 2009 6:50 pm

I was wondering if anyone has encountered this. When I open Progression it goes through its normal routine, and when it gets to "scanning vst plugins" I get a CMD plugin error, then it freezes, and then unexpectedly quits. If I rename my VST folder VST1 it opens without a problem. From there I put my plugins back in the original VST folder one at a time to see what was causing the problem. It turns out that almost half of the plugins caused Progression to freeze or quit for some reason or another. Even when I left all of the "problem" plugins out of the VST folder and only put in the ones that worked the scanning process would take a very long time, and even freeze on occasion. After emailing back and forth with Notion Support for a while they basically told me to suck it up until they come up with an update, which may never happen. Has anyone else run in to this issue or anything similar? I really need to get this resolved if possible. Any input would be helpful.


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Re: Scanning VST Plugins Crash

Postby Novatlan » Wed Oct 28, 2009 2:16 am

I am no Progression user, but I had similar crashes with nearly all hosts (Logic, Cubase, Sibelius, Notion3....).
It usually is one or two plugins, Native Instruments plugins seem to like to crash when being scanned.
Make sure you open all plugins as standalone first (if there is a standalone version) to make sure they write their preference files, find their data folder, etc...
Then they should scan ok.
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