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ASCII Tab Files?

A Forum to Discuss PROGRESSION

ASCII Tab Files?

Postby ddeloach » Sat Apr 27, 2013 6:11 pm

I just bought Progression 2, in part to be able to produce guitar tab files for uploading to Ultimate Guitar. I like the editor and the VSTi capabilities of Progression which is the main reason I went for it over Guitar Pro 6. I can't seem to figure out how to get an ASCII text version of the tab though-- I don't see any sort of export/save as ability to generate text tab files in the product at all.

I tried the Windows Text File printer driver but it doesn't convert to anything that would be easy to make into a tab file. Getting the output in PDF would have similar problems I suspect. I looked for something that might convert MusicXML files to ASCII tab layout but no luck (too bad, that would have been a perfect solution). It's looking like my only option is to buy a full app like Guitar Pro 6 just to get text tab file capabilities, exactly what I was trying to not do by going with Progression.

Has anyone come up with a way to get ASCII tab files out of Notion or Progression without have to buy an additional app to do it?
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Joined: Sat Apr 27, 2013 5:59 pm


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