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Notion for iPad Playback Requests (Priority #1)

PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 12:46 am
by choirguy
I'm in the process of recording some music from Notion to my MacBook to make rehearsal files for my high school choir when I'm out of the classroom for a couple of days in the following weeks.

My biggest request would be to be able to save audio as an MP3 or ACC file and export that file.

Beyond that, I need ritards to be able to ritard on playback (I found that you cannot set different tempos in a single measure, something I've tried to fix with a work-around), and I need a fermata to automatically cause a note to be 2x its normal length, and usually ritard in the last measure or two to the fermata, and I need a piece to potentially ritard automatically to a final note of a song, particularly if there is a fermata on the final note.

This app works unbelievably well for making practice parts--great sounds and easy to use mixer. These items, more than any other, would make that process better.

Thanks for making Notion for the iPad. Hoping for an update soon!

Re: Notion for iPad Playback Requests (Priority #1)

PostPosted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 10:48 am
by Rotkob
Totally agree.

Re: Notion for iPad Playback Requests (Priority #1)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 9:05 pm
by choirguy
Seeing this old post brought up, I need to say that every request made in that post has been fulfilled.

I would like to be able to adjust the name of the audio file that is exported before it is saved.

But otherwise I know of no easier and faster way to create audio rehearsal files for a choir.

And I mean "no" even with desktop programs.