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Vocal Score missing some clefs

PostPosted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 6:41 am
by kiwicomposer
I see that Notion for P iPad now has vocal score capability which is fabulous.. But some obvious clefs are missing.

For example when doing a capella vocal music it is very common to use a Treble clef with a 8 under (indicating sung octave lower than written) for Tenor and "Melody" parts.

For example You might have a
- Tenor Parts with Treble Clef and 8 Under indicating sung an octave lower than written
- Melody or Lead voice - Ditto
- Baritone would be say Bass Clef
- Bass would be Bass Clef.

This is very common is Male only a cappella (Such as barbershop or some do-whop styles) actually similar applies to female only a capella too.

There are probably 20+ clefs available to musicians to use .. It would be nice it they were "all" available within Notion?

Please update the clefs in Notion to allow these variations - or tell me how I can do it if it is available as I cant see the option in the Vocal staves I have just tried to set up.


Re: Vocal Score missing some clefs

PostPosted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 8:30 am
by sepheritoh
Yes please. The one I need most is the ovtave-dropped treble clef, which is the most commnnly used today for tenor parts (the one with the little 8 under it described above).

Please, please?

Re: Vocal Score missing some clefs

PostPosted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 11:35 pm
by kiwicomposer
Totally agree.. :idea:

If anyone else thinks or supports this request then write that support here and maybe Notion will take more notice and add the enhancement quicker ;)

Re: Vocal Score missing some clefs

PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 10:59 am
by dhbailey
And also send in a feature request to the tech support people -- often they take such requests a bit more seriously than "me too" requests in their forum, although I don't know if this applies to the Notion people or not. I know that with Sibelius and Finale, it's important to make the request directly to the tech support people.

Re: Vocal Score missing some clefs

PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 12:37 am
by kiwicomposer
Still waiting for the missing clefs. :( Notion for the iPad is seriously inhibited for my work as I do a lot of vocal scoring and these missing clefs are stopping me using Notion more.

I am getting quite frustrated!!

Steve :cry:

Re: Vocal Score missing some clefs

PostPosted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 8:36 pm
by LGMinton
I am also having the same problem. Right now I'm using soprano, alto, bass and V for vocal, but changing V to T so at least it looks right. Unfortunately, it plays back an octave up. They should consider making this in a choral version and an instrumental version. Many of us choral people don't need a woodwind section or guitar TAB. They could add the bits we need and charge $10 more for it; I'd be okay with that (if they can ever make it print right.)

Re: Vocal Score missing some clefs

PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 6:56 am
by dhbailey
It's great to see that orangeilla again, Steve! You've been missed over on the Sibelius group. Did you abandon the program or just the group?