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Entering chords and melodies

Entering chords and melodies

Postby DifferentVoice » Fri Feb 17, 2012 3:35 pm

Despite having watched the tutorials a few times, I'm still very confused about entering chords/melodies in the same measure. I inevitably end up with issues such as...

    stems going down when I want them to go up (I'm writing a piece for a bell choir)
    not being able to create a melody line which, like the chords, has multiple harmonies (again, since it's a piece for bells, there are far more notes in each staff than is typical of a piano piece)
    not being able to modify the previously-created chords or melodies effectively once I've moved on to other measures

Bottom line - I guess I just need a clearer step-by-step tutorial, since I'm clearly misunderstanding the input mechanics. Thanks!
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Joined: Fri Feb 17, 2012 3:18 pm

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