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Custom Rules for other instruments

Custom Rules for other instruments

Postby elerouxx » Tue Aug 28, 2012 11:46 pm

Does someone use custom rules for other instruments? I downloaded some VST instruments on Windows. Checked up the VST ID with VST-Scanner, and wrote some test rules, but the rules don't seem to work. I just made a copy of a default Miroslav custom rules file -working perfectly- and replaced the ID number by the one provided by VT-Scanner (converted to decimal of course). The file is in a 'rules' folder in the same folder as the notion file. I created also a test Miroslav custom rules in the same folder, just to see it's working. Everything I change in the Miroslav test rules is reflected on playback, but nothing seem to work with the 'spicy_guitar.prules' file.

The dynamic map doesn't work, nothing works. I tried Spicy Guitar and Revitar 2. So, is it really possible to write rules for a VST just by having its VST id?
Posts: 328
Joined: Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:45 pm

Re: Custom Rules for other instruments

Postby pcartwright » Wed Aug 29, 2012 8:02 am

Any rules file that is not supported by Notion must be named custom_rules.prules. Try changing the name and see what happens.
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Re: Custom Rules for other instruments

Postby elerouxx » Wed Aug 29, 2012 10:16 am

Let there be light!

Thank you very much for replying so quickly! It works perfectly now.

Just sharing, I downloaded a pretty nice free acoustic guitar VST named Spicy Guitar, physically modeled, with features like harmonics, pluck position, palm and other things that are fully mappable to CC or key-switchable. It also has some kind of 'chord detection' that strums the chord for a realistic effect.

Thus the interest in working on a set of rules for it.

Do you know by chance, once I am done, is there a way to put these rules to work wherever I save the file? I mean, like Miroslav and GPO rules which are inside the Plugindata directory?
Posts: 328
Joined: Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:45 pm

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