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Notion 3 for Guitarists

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Notion 3 for Guitarists

Postby toomanytoys » Fri Aug 28, 2009 12:30 am

I was curious if anyone could or would share what guitar-specific features will be available in Notion 3. I bought Progression a while ago, and while I see some great potential in this program, I've been frustrated by its lack of some very basic features. Nevertheless, I haven't given up on the program and was curious if it would be worth it to upgrade to Notion 3 from Progression or some guitar-specific features in N3 would trickle down into a much-needed Progression update.

Thanks for any news!
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Re: Notion 3 for Guitarists

Postby KylePoehling » Fri Aug 28, 2009 8:34 am

I can probably talk about some things as we're close to wrapping things up on N3. What in particular are you looking for...or what are you missing in Progression? Check out the blogs ( as there is plenty of "leaked" info over there on N3.

But once again....what features are you looking for?
Kyle Poehling
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Re: Notion 3 for Guitarists

Postby toomanytoys » Fri Aug 28, 2009 2:50 pm

Thanks for the prompt reply. Graphics export would be nice, a feature that's noticeably missing from Progression. Pinch harmonics would be a welcome addition, since that's a common technique that's missing from the current version.

I love the sounds currently in Progression, but as a transcriptionist, the lack of graphics export hurts. Sibelius has far greater options in that regard (as did G7, now discontinued). The harmonics addition would be great as well, and I know has been a much-requested feature.

Sibelius discontinued G7, but has all of its features and far more in version 5 and 6. I was just curious mostly if Notion 3 would include the same guitar-oriented features of Progression, plus some of the above requested features.

Thanks for any info!
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Re: Notion 3 for Guitarists

Postby KylePoehling » Fri Aug 28, 2009 3:51 pm

I can tell you that everything in Progression will be included in N3. There are some more features that will also be included, but unfortunately graphic export and pinch harmonics are not on the list....

As far as graphic exports it seems like it would be just as easy to take a screen shot? Either way I'm sure you'll be happy with the implementation of guitar techniques and features for N3!

Kyle Poehling
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Re: Notion 3 for Guitarists

Postby toomanytoys » Fri Aug 28, 2009 3:55 pm

Well, when you're preparing tabs for publication, a screen shot really doesn't cut it. I hope you guys can add this feature to a wish list.

Are pinch harmonics coming soon? Or will that make it to an update for Progression before it makes it to N3?
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Re: Notion 3 for Guitarists

Postby KylePoehling » Fri Aug 28, 2009 4:15 pm

I may also try exporting as pdf and manipulating for publication. That would probably give you the best resolution for print.....

I don't believe that pinch harmonics are slated for an update, but I can certainly throw them in the ring for contention!

Kyle Poehling
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Re: Notion 3 for Guitarists

Postby toomanytoys » Fri Aug 28, 2009 4:22 pm

Thanks for the attention, Kyle. PDF Printing would be better, but the cropping takes tiiiiiime!

Regarding the pinch harmonics, y'all should look at a "competitor's" product. Guitar Pro 5 actually does pinch harmonics pretty well. Don't know how easy it is to implement, but that might serve as an example of pinch harmonic implementation.

Thanks again!
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Re: Notion 3 for Guitarists

Postby mkral » Sun Aug 30, 2009 3:58 pm

"I can tell you that everything in Progression will be included in N3."

I had assumed from the screenshots Ive seen that something would be happening. But, everything? Does this include all the sound libraries from Progression? I actually don't know if thats not already the case.

At any rate, this makes me very happy. Its been a struggle to work parts from the two programs together without the help of other software (I do not have a DAW at the moment).

On the other hand, what happens to Progression, then? What happens to my .prog files, can I bring them into N3?
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Re: Notion 3 for Guitarists

Postby KylePoehling » Mon Aug 31, 2009 4:54 pm

Sound libraries are included now in N3.....prog files will open just fine in N3 as well:)

You won't get ReValver MKII with N3, but you WILL get some more IK goodies:)
Kyle Poehling
Marketing/Communications Manager-Notion Music
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