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How to import MIDI to an already existing song?

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How to import MIDI to an already existing song?

Postby Ghettoblaster » Tue Jul 01, 2014 3:06 pm

I can't seem to figure this one out, so I registered to ask here. I have a song where I converted the MIDI signal to notation, but something's wrong and I'm missing notes. I'm too far along to revert back to when I converted it over, so I need a way to either make a new MIDI track, or import another one into the same song file.
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Re: How to import MIDI to an already existing song?

Postby Johnny » Wed Jul 02, 2014 8:41 pm

Open both Notion documents.

1. The notation version:
2. The imported MIDI version:

"Select the parts/measures/notes you need from the MIDI version. Copy
Paste the parts/measures/notes into "The notation version".


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Re: How to import MIDI to an already existing song?

Postby Ghettoblaster » Fri Jul 04, 2014 6:30 pm

That's the problem, for some reason Notion is converting MIDI files incorrectly. Like I'll have a single chord that I have drawn out for let's say 5 measures, and then it is repeated another 5 measures. For some reason when I convert the MIDI to notation, Notion will insert random spaces in between both chords. I checked for doubled notes, and it's still doing it.

Also is there no way to manually drag and drop MIDI notes? This is really frustrating, because for one, the MIDI files I import don't line up with the measures, and I can't seem to change the tempo of an imported file to attempt to get it to sync with the tempo I wrote it with. Also if I copy and paste the MIDI files into a new program and set the BPM to anything other than 90, it seperates all the notes with huge gaps in between them.

Any help is appreciated.
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Re: How to import MIDI to an already existing song?

Postby Johnny » Fri Jul 04, 2014 9:57 pm

I'm sorry if I seem mean! I'm not!

Terminology can makes it easier to answer and solve questions.
I'm not the smartest. So anything I can do or get to help myself I welcome.
When I was new to Notion software I made it a point to not get too involved in my own music projects at first.
Reading the manual, definitions, terminology, table of contents and index was time well spent . The discipline of learning leads to confidence and the knowledge needed to focus on creation.
It's not necessary to memorize the manual.
However, after reading the whole thing I find it easier to recall, look and find answers and information I need to go over.

As for MIDI import?
You wrote_

That's the problem, for some reason Notion is converting MIDI files incorrectly.

Interpreting and converting human foreign languages with a computer program is likely more accurate than converting MIDI into Notation. (They are "Apple and Oranges").

Like I'll have a single chord that I have drawn out for let's say 5 measures, and then it is repeated another 5 measures.

"Delete imported errors. Rewrite the single chord you mentioned."

Also is there no way to manually drag and drop MIDI notes?

I hate to say it; however, I would start over.
The "editing" features of Notion 4 are limited. imported MIDI Event Data and Conventional Music Notation are obviously not the same thing. It would be great if notes could to moved around like on shuffle board game. Good request.
MIDI song file data does not have "Rests" they have negative space. I could go on but hope you get the idea.

In the opposite direction Interpreting and converting sheet music!(conventional music notation) into MIDI is more measureable and accurate.
Sadly it doesn't work well the other way.
If better editing tools and functions were available importing and converting would be a dream come true.

Well, that level of editing is not here yet so, I'm again! sorry to suggest "starting over".

Any help is appreciated.

Please take my advice. Don't be frustrated. Have fun learning. Read the Notion Users Guide. Learn the things you need in order to do that what you wish. Your ideas will! be closer to possibilities.


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Re: How to import MIDI to an already existing song?

Postby Ghettoblaster » Sun Jul 06, 2014 5:07 pm

Thanks for the replay, Johnny.

I sat down and played with it a whole bunch and eventually got rid of the kinks. I guess it seems I have to much much more precise with my MIDI editing in Studio One, since after cleaning stuff up I seemed to have gotten, and any notes that are missing I was just able to insert an extra tie. I guess looks can be deceiving with Notion, as it would definitely seem you should be able to drag and drop MIDI. I sure hope they implement that in the near future, it would be awesome. I really appreciate the reply and the help!
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Re: How to import MIDI to an already existing song?

Postby ghess1000 » Sun Jul 06, 2014 10:16 pm

Ghetto, you've already found the answer. The problem was in your MIDI file. MIDI files are performance-oriented. Notion is notation-based and notation is very imprecise compared to performance. For example the smallest note value available in Notion is the 128th note, but please don't ever write one because no one would ever be able to read it. But a MIDI file breaks down a quarter note into 960 parts (in Logic anyway), which is impossible to notate.

So when you want to export a MIDI file, make a copy of the original file and use the tools in Studio One to quantize it and otherwise clean it up. If you have arpeggiated (strummed) chords, make sure the notes all attack at the same time. Then use the arpeggio symbol in Notion, which will play it back pretty well. There are lots of other tricks to this. You have to think in notation where all expressions and articulations are added to the notes with symbols and words.

Hope that helps.
George Hess
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Re: How to import MIDI to an already existing song?

Postby kmlandre » Mon Jul 07, 2014 4:33 am

Word of advice to anyone importing MIDI files:

The biggest secret I've found is to RADICALLY quantize your files *before* importing them into Notion...

Kurt M. Landre'
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