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audition/tweak chord note with arrow keys

PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 11:55 am
by ChrisHeinen
There are times when it's handy to use the left/right arrow keys in conjunction with the "A" key to audition a note in a run (especially to tweak the note to another value). Works great on melodies.

But this technique seems to "skip" notes from a chord when you "pass through" a run that has chords in it. It only seems to select one of the notes from the chord, then the arrow key causes it to move on to the next beat. I don't understand why arrowing doesn't select each and every note in the chord.

The workaround I'm using is to use the mouse to pinpoint the note in the chord, but I was hoping for a computer keyboard solution to keep the "mousing" to a minimum in this context.

The Help PDF is non-specific on how the arrow keys are intended to handle chord notes.

So, is this an "as designed" thing or a ticket-worthy issue?

Re: audition/tweak chord note with arrow keys

PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 1:36 pm
by Admin
Instead of making any individual note selection, use the yellow cursor on the staff to choose your location. Or, you can rubberband select a chord in the score. Then press and hold "a". If the cursor is over the position of the chord, the entire chord will play when you audition. (Although, this does not work for chords in a grand staff. You must select either the Treble or Bass Clef to audition Chords.) This eliminates the need to select individual notes to audition. But, I see your point about using arrow keys and is a feature that I have been requesting for over 5 years.


Re: audition/tweak chord note with arrow keys

PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 8:01 pm
by ChrisHeinen
Hi Admin,

Thanks for the insight.

I know this is going to sound like a rather awkward question, but in general, is the developer philosophy at Notion to focus on bug fixes, enhancements, or a mix of both based on some sort of a priority list? I ask because if you made an enhancement request 5 years ago that is still unfulfilled, then it seems to me that the developer philosophy is to focus on bug fixes.

Am I being naïve about enhancements? If so, you can be honest with me, and I'll save everyone's time and stop making enhancement requests.


Re: audition/tweak chord note with arrow keys

PostPosted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 11:57 am
by Admin

There is a priority list. Some enhancements can be made, some bug fixes can be made. Not everything that every user asks for can get done based on priority. We do appreciate all requests and we take them all into consideration in the grand scheme. Thank you for your patience.


Re: audition/tweak chord note with arrow keys

PostPosted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 6:32 pm
by Surfwhammy
On a related note, you can move entire chords up and down with the mouse once you select the chord, and this is an excellent way to create fascinating chord patterns quickly, which is fabulous . . .

Fabulous! :)