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Notion, the things I like so far.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 5:43 am
by 4tune
Rather than just submit a string of feature requests and bug reports (so far only one :) ) I`d just like to let the devs know that there are quite a few things I like about Notion 3 so far from demoing.

One in particular is the navigation. This is very intuitive on the whole and seems to make getting about simpler than some other methods I`ve seen.

Also the GUI is very clean, uncluttered and looks pretty good at the moment. It seems their skill will be tested to keep this as feature requests build, but I think this will be possible.

The price seems decent also compared to some of the other packages out there. I think as the program matures the user should get more and more value from this.

edit: forgot; having VST support and rewire is great! :D

So certainly some thumbs up for Notion so far :)

Re: Notion, the things I like so far.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 6:01 am
by sepheritoh
I echo your sentiments. It is a good idea to let the the team at Notion know that the program is really great and doing the job pretty well. Thanks to all for the great program and for listening to your users.

Re: Notion, the things I like so far.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 8:07 am
by Unfinished
I think the main thing about Notion is that it sounds so much better than a load of other softwares. A clarinet actually sounds like a clarinet. (Same for strings, brass, percussion and the rest of the woodwind, so pretty much everything then).

Re: Notion, the things I like so far.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 1:14 pm
by newtonia
Couldn't agree more. I'm an Overture fan, and have used Sibelius and Finale. Can't really see the attraction (especially for the money) of the last two, except that they are so ubiquitous. Admittedly, I use my notation programs very much as a notation based DAW, so I may be missing out on what makes them great. whilst reveling in Notion's DAW friendly features. (i.e. I never need to print out music, I use notation because it seems to me to be the most intuitive and flexible language for sequencing).

That said, having just finished my first Notion project, (a string quartet) I am delighted with it. The navigation (as mentioned) is magnificent, the sounds impressive in a lot of cases, and the mapping of the included libraries is stunning. Most of all, using Notion is great FUN!

Of course, there are bits that don't work as well as I'd like, but given the wonderful support I am completely confident that everything will be sorted out, meanwhile given the ambition and scope of the program and it's fiercely competitive price, I'd sell my Sibelius shares in a heartbeat.

Very well done.

Re: Notion, the things I like so far.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 1:33 pm
by DaveElson
I'm still on the demo, but I will say that while I'm working through the manual, and have had a few issues (mainly my fault I'm sure) this is a very attractive piece of software, at a great price ($200 street).
Haven't had a crash with vst's yet and Jamstix works with it too!