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N3 concerns

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 5:04 am
by mkral
So I have been putzing with N3 for a bit now, and I love it. I only have a few small concerns.

Midi keyboard recording: Not my main method of creating a finished piece, but it is useful to squeeze out an idea quickly. N3 is pretty horrid from my experience thus far. anything smaller than 8th notes just blow up into an incoherent mess for note values, and sometimes even gets the notes' pitch wrong, and throws extra notes/omits notes, etc. I had absolutely no problems with this in N2 or Progression, those programs would save it exactly as it was played, if the notation was too complex to handle that would get a little messy, but the playback was always intact. I can't imagine this problem isn't being worked on, I am not worried.

Audio export: Another one I am not worried about, but... I have N3 consistently crashing at about 40 seconds into an audio export.

Guitar effects: This is the most disconcerting one. Importing my Progression files into N3, I thought this would be pretty slick, and it definitely is except for guitar effects. Bends and vibrato sound off key and "computer generated" rather than sounding like a human playing, as in Progression. All the other effects (palm mutes, slides, etc) work just fine.

Also I cannot get Revalver from Progression to work in N3. I rarely use it, but it would be nice to have.

Other than the above I am thoroughly happy with N3, happy with the included VST's, and perhaps most importantly I am happy with the company as a whole.

Re: N3 concerns

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 5:50 am
by Novatlan
The Notion folks are indeed working on improving MIDI input, as Lubo confirmed in another thread.
As for your Progression-related issues, I cannot help you since I am neither a guitar player nor a Progression user.
I'm sure Lubo will chime in :)

Re: N3 concerns

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 8:12 am
by jazzalien
Hi mkral,

I can confirm your impressions about N3 and I love it too. But N3 is new app and the Notion team has something to fix next time.

I come from Progression like you and I can confirm your impressions about Guitar effects. Most is working well, but BENDS and VIBRATO are OUT OF TUNE!!!

This is for the developers: Progression as some demofiles on bord. Import them into N3 and you will see (hear), that BENDS and VIBRATO are OFF KEY.

BTW it's possible to use Revalver in N3. On Mac you must go to Applications - Progression - Right Click - Show Package - Contents - Resources - VST. In this folder you can find the ReValverIIprogression.vst file. Copy it to Macintosh HD - Library - Audio - Plug-Ins - VST. That's all.

Best regards

Re: N3 concerns

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 10:16 am
by Unfinished
jazzalien wrote:This is for the developers: Progression as some demofiles on bord. Import them into N3 and you will see (hear), that BENDS and VIBRATO are OFF KEY.

You ought to report your experience(s) to the 'submit a bug' place.

Re: N3 concerns

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 10:30 am
by fandango
mkral wrote:Midi keyboard recording: Not my main method of creating a finished piece, but it is useful to squeeze out an idea quickly. N3 is pretty horrid from my experience thus far. anything smaller than 8th notes just blow up into an incoherent mess for note values, and sometimes even gets the notes' pitch wrong, and throws extra notes/omits notes, etc. I had absolutely no problems with this in N2 or Progression, those programs would save it exactly as it was played, if the notation was too complex to handle that would get a little messy, but the playback was always intact. I can't imagine this problem isn't being worked on, I am not worried.

Aha! I'm glad it's not just me. :)

Everything I record via MIDI keyboard seems to turn into a garbled mass of notes (and no... it's not my playing :lol: ).

I'll submit a bug about this. I think it may be to do with the hard drive catching up with recording when loading samples causing the recorded input to go crazy. (i.e., I installed Notion on an external drive as I was low on space and you couldn't move the library yet)