DaddyO wrote:Can I go ahead and install Notion 4 without all the sounds? If so, are there certain sounds I must download for things to work, or do I need to download only sounds I plan on using? I doesn't seem feasible to download all of those individual instruments individually.
Answers to things like this will help clear matters up.
If you are doing digital music production on a Windows machine, then I cannot be much help, but if you are doing digital music production on the Mac, the answers to your questions are very simple and straightforward, and they are based on what I did . . .
(1) I downloaded the installer for the NOTION 4 application, which for the Mac is "Notion.dmg" and is approximately 79MB . . .
(2) I double-clicked the "Notion.dmg" file, which caused the icon a mobile SuperDrive to appear on the Mac OS X 10.8.2 (Mountain Lion) Desktop . . .
(3) Inside this SuperDrive icon, there was a nice graphic image of NOTION 4 on the left and the Mac OS X Application folder on the right with pictographic clues that the desired action was to drag the NOTION 4 graphic image on top of the Application folder icon and then to drop it, which I did . . .
(4) And as I recall, I had to click on "Agree" and perhaps a "Next" button to accept the license, and then in a few seconds NOTION 4 installed without asking me any questions or generally annoying me, which is the way installers work on the Mac . . .
(5) Once that was done, I located the newly installed NOTION 4 app and double-clicked it, and I recall logging-in or doing something that involved registering, except that maybe the application already was registered as part of making the purchase, so this step mostly was what one might describe accurately as being "automagical" . . .
(6) I did a few experiments with MachFive 3 (MOTU), and after a while I decided that I should download the NOTION 4 sampled sounds, which I did in Safari, since it is the web browser that Apple provides, hence is perfect. Normally, I use Firefox, but in this instance Safari is less prone to odd behaviors introduced by unpaid proletariat who are being exploited by the aristocracy and bourgeoisie, plus it does "resume" really well, and considering hurricane Sandy, I expected a few interruptions in the ISP connection, either locally, regionally, or nationally . . .
(7) The NOTION 4 sampled sounds download stopped several times, mostly because the local ISP is a bit flaky during the day, but when this happens Airport Extreme sends a message, and I know to switch to Safari and click on the "resume" button. Overall it took perhaps 6 to 8 hours, except that probably an hour or two of the time was not doing anything, becasue I zoned-out and forgot to check to see if I needed to click the "resume" button again . . .
THOUGHTSFor the most part, I do everything with VSTi virtual instruments rather than with the NOTION bundled sounds, so I did not really need the NOTION bundled sounds, but I got them anyway . . .
I installed the NOTION 4 application first, and then started using it immediately after it was registered or whatever, and everything worked very nicely . . .
The only possible "odd behavior" was that it might have used some of the settings from NOTION 3 to create NOTION 4 Preferences, because for example the reference tuning pitch in NOTION 4 on the Mac Pro here in the sound isolation studio was set to 440-Hz the first time I ran NOTION 4, and while this is the correct reference tuning pitch, it is not the default reference tuning pitch of NOTION, so it has to be set explicitly. Also the "Enable ReWire" option was checked, which again is not the default setting, unless Notion Music changed these two things, which is unlikely . . .
In particular, the "Enable ReWire" option being checked caused a bit of confusion when I got around to doing initial testing of ReWIre 3 in 64-bit mode, but I already knew about all the weird ReWire stuff, hence I knew what to do, which to "toggle" everything, where "toggle" refers to turning reversing it and then switching it back to what it was before it was reversed, where if the 'Enable ReWire" option is checked, then you uncheck it; quit NOTOIN 4; restart NOTION 4; and check (i.e., "set") the "Enable ReWire" option, which causes NOTION 4 to initialize ReWire 2 correctly . . .
Other than that, and always running in an account which has supreme Administrator permissions and privileges, I did not do anything strange or whatever . . .
SUMMARYIf you are on the Mac, then my experience is that you can install the NOTION 4 application first, but you will only be able to use VSTi virtual instruments, since there will be no NOTION 4 bundled sounds, because you are downloading the NOTION 4 bundled sounds and have not installed them yet . . .
It also is useful to know that NOTION 4 installs on the Mac by default as a 64-bit application, so you need 64-bit VSTi virtual instruments to use it without the NOTION 4 bundled sounds, although if you Vienna Ensemble Pro 5 (Vienna Symphony Library), then my understanding is that it will run on the same Mac as a "bridging" streaming audio server, where you can use Vienna Ensemble Pro 5 to host both 32-bit and 64-bit VSTi virtual instruments in a way that NOTION 4 running in 64-bit mode can use them, which I might do as an experiment, since I really like the IK Multimedia VSTi virtual instruments, but at present all of them are 32-bit only, although IK Multimed has posted a few replies to ongoing questions about "When will everything be 64-bits?" indicating that they are working on it and should have something in the not so distant future, which is all I know . . .
I planned for this, which among other things is the reason that I got Logic Pro 9 (Apple), Kontakt 5 (Native Instruments), and MachFive 3 (MOTU), all of which are 64-bits but will work in 32-bit mode if you set them specifically only to function as 32-bit stuff. Logic Pro 9 has a built-in "bridge", but it only uses Audio Units (AU) rather than VSTi virtual instruments, which is fine with me, since the iK Multimedia and MOTU virtual instruments support Apple's Audio Units (AU) technology, as well, which probably is the case for Kontakt5, but I have not checked it, so all I can do at the moment is guess . . .
In the effects plug-ins department, all the plug-ins I use have 64-bit versions, so everything already is fine there . . .
Basically, the only troublesome stuff is the IK Multimedia virtual instruments, and I can deal with it for a while by having FUN with MachFive 3 and Kontakt 5, which is fine with me . . .
I hope this helps to answer your questions . . .
Lots of FUN!