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Trill Rule

A Forum to Discuss NOTION

Re: Trill Rule

Postby elerouxx » Tue Nov 01, 2011 6:08 pm

Sorry for replying to an old thread, but I'm noobing around in custom rules and I found some info.

It seems to me that in the <trill pitches="1" time="0.2" delay="0.0">, pitches is just a flag.

0 (false) means that trills are not to be played note by note. Instead of this, a trill rule will activate the corresponding sample if it exists.

not 0/any value (true) means that trills will be played by Notion, note by note, with the given speed and delay, no matter if there is a rule for trill somewhere.

*An obvious note: there's no sense in defining that trills are 0.5 or 1.0 a note, because Notion reads the score and decides, after the armature and the note, if the trill is to be half a tone or a whole tone. You don't even exactly 'write' a half or whole trill with the TR symbol - you can only specify if you want to use a flat, sharp or natural trill, but the resulting trill will depend on the note you are and the armature is going on, and that seems to be part of the notion engine.
Posts: 328
Joined: Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:45 pm

Re: Trill Rule

Postby elerouxx » Wed Nov 02, 2011 7:59 am

Tralen wrote:Well, I found the trill rule for GPO, I was looking at the wrong file. I found interesting that a set of generic rules is set for all instruments, and then some exceptions are provided for the strings. I think I will start my rule set from scratch and see if the trill problem persists. I'm just having trouble understanding the unset-flag function.

So, the reason for defining the trill rule <trill pitches="1"...> in every instrument that isn't a STRINGS (section strings only) is that strings are the only instruments with recorded trills. In evey other instrument, the trill's PITCHES will be executed by Notion note by note (thus, pitches="1"). In the case of strings, the rule is: pitches="0", meaning that notion won't play the pitches separatedly. instead, a recorded sample with the pitches will be played.
Posts: 328
Joined: Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:45 pm


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