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Lyric Frustrations

A Forum to Discuss NOTION

Lyric Frustrations

Postby david_spellman » Thu Nov 04, 2010 6:48 pm

I'm finding the Lyric tool incredibly frustrating. As long as you don't make any mistakes, or want to make edits, you're fine, but if you attempt to go back and make a correction, the target box simply won't behave. It consistently moves to the next potential note rather than the note I'm trying to click on, and I end up removing several notes/measures worth of good lyrics to make one correction. I'd recommend adding SHIFT+TAB functionality to allow you to scroll backwards through lyric entries.

So far, the only solution I've found for a note that refuses to be targeted is to shut down the piece I'm working on and restarting.

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Joined: Fri Oct 02, 2009 4:00 pm

Re: Lyric Frustrations

Postby kelldammit » Thu Nov 04, 2010 11:42 pm

strange. i don't think i've seen your specific problem. for me, the lyric text entry box often shows up somewhere in the top left 1/4 of the screen, regardless of where the actual note i'm editing is :?
when entering lyrics, do you have issues with the lyrics shifting downward with every TAB press (to advance to the next note)? i see that one a lot. sometimes, switching views helps. i work mostly in continuous mode, but switching to either of the other views will put things right...for a bit, anyway.
do you have these problems creating lyrics in new files, or on imported midi files, or both? what view mode do you use?
also, out of curiosity, what version of notion and which OS are you using?

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Re: Lyric Frustrations

Postby david_spellman » Fri Nov 05, 2010 1:12 am

I should have provided more information from the start. Here's my working environment:

Notion 3, Build
Windows 7 Home Premium, 64 Bit

I'm working on original files. I work in continuous mode [easier to see the entire score]. I've encountered the problem you describe, where the lyrics keep moving down the score.

The exact problem I encounter is this:

I place several measures of lyrics. I notice that a mistake was made at some point in the past. If I select the specific note where the mistake is, the lyric gets removed. Great! However, the cursor, instead of opening on the note where I removed the mistake, moves to the next note, and wipes that lyric out. If I back out of lyric mode, and start it again, the cursor jumps to the position where the lyrics left off. Hitting Tab once will bring it back to the note immediately after the note I'm trying to edit. No matter how many times I click, I can never select the targeted note. The only resolution I've found is to shut down and restart.

The lyric tool just feels a bit incomplete, similar to some of the midi step editing "nuances" I worked through in prior Notion versions.

I know this is really confusing to read. If I get motivated enough, I'll make a video to show what I'm experiencing.

Notion 3 as a whole is an amazing product. I've been a Notion user since 1.5, and the evolution has been amazing. It's just that some of the small things, when you're working on a full score for a show, can add up and start to make your eye *twitch*. ;)
Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Oct 02, 2009 4:00 pm

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