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Oddities I need help with

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Oddities I need help with

Postby Lurker » Thu Nov 26, 2009 4:19 pm

I have a score with a long-held Violin I note, pppp cresc to ppp . . . many bars later dim (unspecified end dynamic). On playback the note suddenly goes very quiet at the beginning of the diminuendo hairpin. In Notion 2 you could define various aspects of hairpins, but it seems you can't in Notion 3 and I am assuming that it will start from the most recent dynamic and diminuendo by one dynamic (that was the default, I thought, in Notion 2). Am I wrong? What can I do to get proper playback?

The other odd thing is that I am testing various tiny passages in a single instrument by selecting a couple of bars of that stave. Notion ought to play back only that stave, but I'm hearing at least one other instrument. For instance, I select cello, but also hear clarinet play back.

(I'd attach a score if I knew how. Just 'Add the file' doesn't seem to work.)
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Re: Oddities I need help with

Postby fabiolcati » Fri Nov 27, 2009 4:31 am

Hi lurker.

This is the way my demo copy of N3 (latest build) works on oddity n.2:

1. Selecting bars on a single staff and starting playback from there makes those bars/instrument only to play the passage until the end of the selection. Then stops.

2. Same selection but starting playback from a point before the selection: all staves playback.

Did you noticed something similar?

As for Oddity n. 1, I'm also in troubles with dynamics under particular conditions. I haven't my music here so I'm not able to recreate them, but sounds closely the same you have with your haripins. A bug?

Anyway, I guess you can tweak hairpins the same you do with dynamic markings.

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Re: Oddities I need help with

Postby Lurker » Fri Nov 27, 2009 8:54 am

in my post above I wrote: . . . but I'm hearing at least one other instrument. For instance, I select cello, but also hear clarinet play back.

It must be a rogue score, or some side-effect of importing from MusicXML (where this may have started life) because when I went to erase this passage by selecting the whole passage and a whole bunch of staves and pressing Delete, the clarinet refused to go. Everything else was erased. Even selecting just the clarinet didn't work, and all bar-rests, notes etc stayed put no matter what.

In the end I selected each note and rest individually and deleted.

I'm not sure if this is something to do with the way I heard the clarinet when it wasn't selected, but it all seems a bit odd to me. Usually clarinets will take any excuse to disappear (probably to the pub :D ) .
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Re: Oddities I need help with

Postby Unfinished » Sat Nov 28, 2009 11:12 am

To me it sounds like the dim may go into a rest or an empty bar and so Notion takes that to be ppppp, so maybe this is it? - unless after going quiet at the beginning it gets louder/goes back to ppp or something...
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