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Grand staff piano ?????

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Grand staff piano ?????

Postby tjdlynch » Sun Nov 22, 2009 12:44 pm

I was excited to recieve my sonar 8.5 bundle pack with notion 3. Opened the piano grand staff- input through midi controller--- and what the .........! Why are all my notes either going into treble clef--or bass if highlighted- but never both. Wasted a good hour trying to change some kind of setting- and gave up- because that setting doesnt exsist. Does anybody who developed this program play piano? Totally useless to me sence I play piano with two hands- in both bass and treble clef-- crazy huh. This isnt a bug- this is like buying a car without tires to me. I can understand a software product with bugs- but this product is not close to being complete-the tires are missing and Im not happy. Im sure someone will jump in to defend you-just give them time to fix the "bugs"--- the time to fix things like this are in development-before release, and people are so use to paying for half baked software that we feel grateful when the company says there working on a patch. I Know- buyer beware- its my fault for not reading this forum before buying notion 3- my bad.
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Re: Grand staff piano ?????

Postby Novatlan » Sun Nov 22, 2009 2:10 pm

Yep, and as usual I am the one defending the devs: Give them time :)
They know of out righteous anger and are working on it. Starting countless hate threads will have not a single positive effect.
I am frustrated by the bugs, too (they _are_ bugs), but somehow I manage to rein in my anger.
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Re: Grand staff piano ?????

Postby tjdlynch » Sun Nov 22, 2009 5:35 pm

Novatlan wrote:Starting countless hate threads will have not a single positive effect.

This isnt a hate thread- its a call this crap out thread- its a buyer bewarned thread- its a "is what it is" thread- and a bug is a code in the program that isnt funtioning properly- this isnt a bug because the code was never writen.
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Re: Grand staff piano ?????

Postby Novatlan » Mon Nov 23, 2009 12:27 am

The "hate thread" of course did NOT target you. You cannot possibly have written countless threads because this was your first one. :)
It was a general observation, which you can easily check by reading the forums (which you have done by now, I assume).

Of course you are right: The bugs should not be there. But they are. Notion could as well say "F*** off, we got your money". So far they have not done this, but actively improved the application. I see no reason for this to change.
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Re: Grand staff piano ?????

Postby tjdlynch » Mon Nov 23, 2009 2:06 am

Novatlan wrote:The bugs should not be there. But they are. Notion could as well say "F*** off, we got your money

They could but that cant be good for buisness- word gets around fast these days.-Does cakewalk know about this product?- I wish Notion would have told me to f** off before I purchased there product so Id know what to expect.
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Re: Grand staff piano ?????

Postby Novatlan » Mon Nov 23, 2009 4:44 am

I understand your anger, up to a point I even share it (though more with other companies and less with Notion).

It is only _how_ something is said. I am sorry my slightly angrier response now had you as a target; it was meant in general. I do not know whether or not you have ever developed an application for people who have not the slightest idea what the f*** you are doing the whole day in front of your computer (speak: shareholders). It is not nice, no it is not :)
I only had to do this once at university, which made me quit any serious endeavors of ever professionally coding. I am much better at UI and workflow things, anyways.

It is interesting to see that most of the "complainers" are users receiving Notion with Sonar. The users coming from other notation software usually are so blown away by the incredible playback and ease of use that they gladly accept the bugs in the know that they will be fixed.

Again I give the same advice I give every time: Gulp down your anger. Wait. They WILL fix this.
I always think: _I_ have only the slightest idea of coding. How am _I_ ever entitled to judge whether or not the devs do their job properly? So I give them the benefit of the doubt.

Oh, and believe me: If they bring out a paid upgrade without prior fixing all these bugs, BOY WILL I COMPLAIN!!!! Until then... lots of tea (yep, even I as a German drink tea) and a nice, hot bath works miracles :)
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Re: Grand staff piano ?????

Postby astinov » Mon Nov 23, 2009 9:51 am

Hi tjdlynch,

To address your immediate issue - which is recording both hands on piano - you should be able to do it, simply select both staffs of the instrument and hit record. Selecting just the top staffs record just on the top, selecting just the bottom, on the bottom one and selecting both will record on both with split point.

As per the accuracy of RT MIDI recroding - an update is being released (probably within days here) that addresses a huge number of issues and so far the reports from our beta testers are excellent, saying it works better than the competition. I would kindly ask you to just wait a few days and let us surprise you with this.


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Re: Grand staff piano ?????

Postby tjdlynch » Mon Nov 23, 2009 10:46 am

astinov wrote:To address your immediate issue - which is recording both hands on piano - you should be able to do it, simply select both staffs of the instrument and hit record. Selecting just the top staffs record just on the top, selecting just the bottom, on the bottom one and selecting both will record on both with split point.

I would love to simply select both staffs- how do you that ??? - Because I cant figure it out.

tjdlynch wrote: Gulp down your anger. Wait. They WILL fix this

Im not angry-- Im a very easy going guy. I dont blame the programmers- they were told to ship before it was ready- But SOMEONE decided we need to stop spending money on this thing and ship it and we will fix the problems later-- It seems to be the culture these days for software and hardware drivers. Sure, they will probably fix this product , thats really not the point.
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Re: Grand staff piano ?????

Postby tjdlynch » Mon Nov 23, 2009 11:21 am

I figured it out -hold down control key and click on other staff- but make sure you click in the little gray area or it doesnt work.. Thank you Lubo Astinov imo both staffs armed should be default setting in grand staff piano. Now if it only accurately noted what Im playing this would be useful
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Re: Grand staff piano ?????

Postby astinov » Mon Nov 23, 2009 1:04 pm

That and much more is coming - very soon!
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