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Postby DanteUruzu » Fri Mar 29, 2013 4:12 pm


I am using Notion 4 (64-bit) and whenever I open one of the Demo Files I get a crash. I also tried to open a file downloaded from the forums (from the "Rolled Piano Chord Playback?" topic) and it crashed with that. However, when I tried to open one of my previous files from Notion 3 it opened just fine.
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Postby Surfwhammy » Fri Mar 29, 2013 9:36 pm

DanteUruzu wrote:Hello,

I am using Notion 4 (64-bit) and whenever I open one of the Demo Files I get a crash. I also tried to open a file downloaded from the forums (from the "Rolled Piano Chord Playback?" topic) and it crashed with that. However, when I tried to open one of my previous files from Notion 3 it opened just fine.

QUESTION: Which operating system platform and version are you using, (Mac OS X or Windows, and which version)?

[NOTE: Providing more information can be helpful, such as the model of computer, amount of memory, and so forth. I use a 2.8-GHz 8-core Mac Pro (early-2008) with 20GB of memory here in the sound isolation studio, and when combined with the operating system information (Mac OS X 10.8.3 [Mountain Lion]), this is enough information to be helpful with respect to making suggestions regarding what might be happening. And obviously do not include an serial numbers or whatever. If you can post the Demo File you were using, this can be helpful, and I can try it on the Mac Pro here in the sound isolation studio to see what happens . . . ]

The files you mentioned are using the native NOTION bundled instruments, and it is important to understand that you need to use the NOTION 4 bundled instruments with NOTION 4, because they are different from the NOTION 3 bundled instruments . . .

Beyond this possibility, nothing comes to mind based on the information you provided, although I think it makes sense to verify that in fact you are running the 64-bit version of NOTION 4, which on the Mac you can do by finding the application (; right-clicking on it and then selecting "Get Info . . . ", which displays information about the application, where if the "Open in 32-bit mode" option is unchecked, then you are running NOTION 4 in 64-bit mode, provided that if you have a link for NOTION in the Dock, it is pointing correctly to the "" file. If the "Open in 32-bit mode" option is checked, then on the Mac you actually are running NOTION 4 in 32-bit mode . . .

On a Windows machine, you need to install the 64-bit version of NOTION 4, and if you also want to run NOTION 4 in 32-bit mode, then you need to install the 32-bit version of NOTION 4, where for Windows there are two separate applications, which is different from the Mac, where both versions (32-bit and 64-bit) are contained in the same application package . . .

For reference, I am running Mac OS X 10.8.3 (Mountain Lion), which is the current version of Mac OS X, and everything is working nicely, with the caveat that the NOTION 5.0.235 update would not install automatically, so I had to download the ".zip" file for this update from the Notion Music website, where after uncompressing the ".zip" file the resulting file actually is the application ("") rather than an installer, but I know how to work with it this way, and I did the update manually, which is fine with me . . .

Lots of FUN! :)
The Surf Whammys

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Postby DanteUruzu » Fri Mar 29, 2013 9:53 pm


Thanks for the reply. I'm using Windows 7 x64 bit. I installed the x64 bit version of Notion.
Processor: Intel Core i5 M 480 @ 2.67GHz
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Postby Surfwhammy » Fri Mar 29, 2013 11:15 pm

DanteUruzu wrote:Hey,

Thanks for the reply. I'm using Windows 7 x64 bit. I installed the x64 bit version of Notion.
Processor: Intel Core i5 M 480 @ 2.67GHz

I do everything on the Mac, so there is not so much that I can do to help, but getting more memory will be beneficial . . .

It might be a permissions problem, which can be difficult to diagnose . . .

QUESTION: When NOTION 4 crashes, is there an error message, and if so can you post a screen capture of the error message or the text of what the error message says?

The should be a crash log somewhere, and it can provide more information, as well . . .

It has been a while since I did anything on a Windows machine, but at least through Windows XP, there was a way to get crash logs and to view them, so this should be the case with Windows 7. As I recall, most of the useful information is at the start of the crash log, where it lists a trace of the various components the application was using at the time of the crash, and this can provide clues. Most of the other stuff is dumps of registers and memory, which is in hexadecimal format and makes little sense unless you know a good bit about Windows internals . . .

How to view details on application crash (Windows SevenForums)

"What information appears in event logs (Event Viewer)?" (Microsoft)

This is all that comes to mind at the moment . . . :)
The Surf Whammys

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Postby DanteUruzu » Sat Mar 30, 2013 10:16 am

There isn't any type of error code that appears when it crashes. It just says Notion has stopped working and that's pretty much it. But it's only with the Demo's and that one .notion file I downloaded (tried to download another one and it opened successfully) so I decided not to worry about. If it becomes a problem (which I don't suspect it will) I'll resume trying to get to the root of it. Thanks for your help!

There is another problem that I've run into in regards to playback. I have a measure that has a fermata that is held for 3 beats and in the measure after it I have 3 grace notes (16th). When the notes that are under the fermata in the preceding measure are played two of the grace notes play along with it and in the next measure only the last grace note plays when it is supposed to.
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Postby Surfwhammy » Sat Mar 30, 2013 5:38 pm

Glad to help! :)

I kind of know what "grace notes" are, but I would need to check wikipedia to try to make sense of what a "fermata" might be, since I tend to avoid all that stuff, but there are FORUM members who understand these types of things, and perhaps one of them will be able to help . . .

And since it is only a small set of NOTION files that cause a crash, I agree that the practical solution is to move on to other stuff, because there could be something odd about the files that cause a crash . . .

Lots of FUN!
The Surf Whammys

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Postby DanteUruzu » Sun Mar 31, 2013 10:05 am

Ah, okies. I guess it'll be better to just make a new topic for that issue hehe :D
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Postby Admin » Mon Apr 01, 2013 11:21 am


Could you please contact tech support about this issue?

Also, the next time you get Notion up and running, please go to Help>Check for Updates and run the latest update to your Notion software. You should be running Notion 4.0.325 to be up to date. After you have run the update, let tech support know if you are still having a problem.

To contact tech support:

Phone: 1-866-398-2994

We look forward to hearing from you and I am certain we can get your issues resolved.


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