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Center Lyrics under the notes?

A Forum to Discuss NOTION

Center Lyrics under the notes?

Postby dhbailey » Sun Mar 17, 2013 7:39 am

Is it possible in Notion to have the lyrics centered under each note? I've looked in the manual and only could find info on how to enter the lyrics. Most of the time I would rather have the lyrics centered under the notes so as not to make the spacing look awkward as happens when syllables are long.

Am I missing something or is this a possible addition to look forward to in a newer version?
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Re: Center Lyrics under the notes?

Postby b13 » Sun Mar 17, 2013 2:38 pm

The lyrics-starts are positioned unter each note. If the syllables are long, it would be normal, that the space between the notes would grow.

If you could CENTER (long) lyric unter each note, there would grow the spaces before AND after the refered note, i guess.
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Re: Center Lyrics under the notes?

Postby b13 » Sun Mar 17, 2013 3:10 pm

If we talked about syllables: I know no syllable, which would be too long for not fitting in a "normal" (sorry ;) ) melody-line.
But if the melody-line is very fast (very much notes) and you have to fit very much syllables into, it would be probably close. (But if i think about the problems I have to fit a number of different measures into one system-line or take one to (or from) a system-line (into another), your problem would be toleratable (for me).)

If we would talk about WORDS, which were able to divide into syllables, i write for every note a syllable or ... in other words for every syllable one note.

The syllables of the word i divide as "syl- lab- les" or every other word (in this case 3 notes).
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Re: Center Lyrics under the notes?

Postby Admin » Mon Mar 18, 2013 3:25 pm

Dear dhbailey,

The syllables are divided by using the hyphen before pressing space bar in between the syllables. When you use the Lyrics tool like this, the lyrics should be centering below the notes.

Could you be more specific about what you are trying to accomplish? Or, rather, what is happening when you do what?

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