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Version 4.0.324 crashes sometimes

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Version 4.0.324 crashes sometimes

Postby iamnemo » Fri Mar 01, 2013 11:40 pm

Is anyone experimenting crashes with the latest version? I'm running 2 separate licenses on different PCs under Win Pro x64 (fully updated) using different audio hardware and they both sometimes crash in several situations:

1) Exporting to wav file in Realtime at 24bit
2) Using as a ReWire slave with SONAR X2a
3) Other situations, even exiting normally I get an error message sometimes.

Sounds are from Notion and Kontakt 5.1 (e.g. Albion I).
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Re: Version 4.0.324 crashes sometimes

Postby iamnemo » Sat Mar 02, 2013 1:36 pm

Is there a way to return to the version before v 4.0.324.
Everything was fine for me before that last "update".

Where can I download the previous version and do I just write over the later version?
Will the files written with v 4.0.324 be compatible with the previous version?
Thanks for any help!
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Re: Version 4.0.324 crashes sometimes

Postby iamnemo » Sat Mar 02, 2013 11:34 pm

On one PC the crashes stopped after switching from a "generic ASIO driver" to a specific one.
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Re: Version 4.0.324 crashes sometimes

Postby dgriffee » Mon Mar 04, 2013 11:09 am

I had similar problems with the updated version, not consitent enough to report a specific bug, but just once in awhile it crashed, sometimes on exiting the program, sometimes just randomly while I'm working.

I at least had the caution to copy my previously installed Notion, just copied the entire program directory. So I could just copy the prior version back into the installed location and it returned to working fine as it had before the update.

You could probably accomplish same (maybe better/safer) by uninstalling the updated version, and then reinstalling the prior version, if you download and keep the installers for each every update ;)

You may be in luck, because right now the downloads page has the old version 4.0.317 (not sure if that's a webadmin mistake or whatever)
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Re: Version 4.0.324 crashes sometimes

Postby iamnemo » Mon Mar 04, 2013 12:20 pm

Thanks a lot for the heads-up about v 317. Just caught it in time... Strange that they reverted from 324...
I will try it and report here. BTW Brian from tech support suggests to run both Notion and SONAR in admin mode when doing ReWire.
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Re: Version 4.0.324 crashes sometimes

Postby Admin » Mon Mar 04, 2013 12:31 pm

We are happy to know about these issues as they arise. I am sorry that we did not catch them before they left the office. It sounds like there are several scenarios that are specific to your setup that are causing some problems ie., Kontakt + Asio + Sonar + Notion.

I would like to mention that these issues sound more like tech support issues. I am aware that you have contacted tech support for help regarding these matters. It looks like the crashes that are happening, are being generated through Windows crash reports. We will do our best to resolve these matters through tech support. Please try to filter posts like these as tech support issues rather than forum posts. You will get faster and more specific support there. This method will also prevent a general release to the Notion public user forum, for a very specific problem, which can cause a flurry of panic related to the software and in many cases is not being experienced by other users.

Also, please try to be specific about what is happening when you create a specific setup or use of a VST or audio device as it will help tech support to more quickly determine a resolution to the specific issues. These types of issues are probably only going to be resolved internally, rather than by the general user forum. We do realize that sometimes fixes in other areas of the program can cause issues in other areas of the program and we will always do our best to get a version out to resolve these types of issues. We test the program incesantly and sometimes bugs hide out in funny places, especially when many extra variables are generated in an individual custom set up like this one. We can generate tickets for the specific items and fix them more easily if there are not so many variables in one report, any of which could be the issue.

Thank you,

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