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Show all or hide all tracks

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Show all or hide all tracks

Postby sepheritoh » Mon Nov 19, 2012 3:37 pm

In the Edit score setup screen I miss a "Show all" and a "Hide all" button. If I want to do a print of only the vocal parts (e.g. I have two vocal parts) I can not use the parts view, as that will only allow one staff at a time. The only other way is to go to the Score setup screen and hide all the tracks I do not want by clicking the beady green eyes. In a large orchestration this is a bit of a hassle to go through this process many times (e.g. if I want to print the strings parts and then the brass parts, etc, etc). A Show or Hide all button would be really helpful. Thank you for your consideration.
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Re: Show all or hide all tracks

Postby wcreed51 » Mon Nov 19, 2012 4:13 pm

Or better yet, a way to show/hide user defined groups of tracks.
Bill Reed
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Re: Show all or hide all tracks

Postby Surfwhammy » Tue Nov 20, 2012 1:50 am


Digital Performer (MOTU) has a very useful feature for managing its various tiny buttons ("Solo", "Mute", "Input Monitor", "Record Enable"), and the way it works is that you click on one of the tiny buttons; keep holding the mouse down; and then move the mouse pointer across all the same type tiny buttons that you want to set or clear as the case might be; and there also is a global "Solo ON/OFF" button . . .

The key to doing this is to align the tiny buttons vertically in a stack so that it is easy to "slide" the mouse pointer across them, but like the global "Solo ON/OFF" button, there could be a global "Clear/Set All" button for each type of tiny button . . .

For determining which parts of a score are displayed or printed, a similar idea using a simple pop-up dialog window with sections, parts, and so forth arranged in some type of logical pattern can be a nice solution . . .

Mostly, this type of stuff is a matter of categorizing, organizing, and listing stuff in various ways that make sense, and it is not so difficult to do in code . . .

And I think the various types of categories and other stuff should be obvious after doing a bit of focused research, where for example there are well-defined "sections" for orchestras and choirs, which also is the case with other types of musical groups in various recording scenarios, where as an example for vocals there might be a few categories for the different aspects of doing lead vocals, which might be primary, secondary, tertiary, or perhaps focused on overdubs and special vocal effects tracks, as contrasted to the basic lead vocal track(s), which also can cover various categories for backup and harmony vocals . . .

In some respects, this type of thing is in the category of "bells and whistles", but it saves time and makes the work easier, which anyone who has worked on mixes for a hours at a time understands fully, since even with the "slide over" ability to clear or to set "Solo" buttons, it takes a while when you need to hear the various channels or tracks in different combinations from time to time, which is fabulous . . .

Fabulous! :)
The Surf Whammys

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Re: Show all or hide all tracks

Postby thorrild » Tue Nov 20, 2012 8:36 am

sepheritoh wrote:+1

Me too! +1

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Re: Show all or hide all tracks

Postby reztes » Tue Nov 20, 2012 3:06 pm

I agree too.
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